Starbucks Offer Free Coffee


Over the weekend, Starbucks gave away free coffee and discounted handmade drinks around China as part of an Earth Day promotion. The catch? Customers had to bring in their own non-paper cups.
One WeChat account, Shanghai Highlights (ID: kaopusearch), decided put the promotion to the test by using unconventional containers to get around the "non-paper cup" requirement. We're talking water barrels, pots, pans and washing basins — all to see if they could get that free cuppa joe (or RMB3 discount).

Though their post on the stunt has already been deleted from WeChat, humorous photos circulating online this weekend showed all the different creative ways they used to try and activate the promotion. According to reports, they still ended up having to pay RMB327 for a latte in a giant metal bowl. The photos were also allegedly taken on April 17, a full five days before Earth Day

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