Hijabi Emoji


Soon, headscarf-wearing Muslim women may find an emoji to represent them 15-year-old, Rayouf Alhumedh,  Saudi girl.
She said that the fact that there hasn't been an emoji to represent me and the millions of other hijabi women across the world has been baffling to me
So, Rayouf, who lives in Berlin, proposed the idea to The Unicode Consortium, the non-profit corporation that reviews and develops new emojis.
Alexis Ohanian, co-found of Reddit, backs her idea of an emoji of a woman wearing a hijab. He hosted an online discussion Tuesday where Rayouf talked about her idea.
Some, Rayouf said, were opposed, calling it "unnecessary" and a "symbol of oppression."
But most were on board.

She said people in general wanted to strive for diversity.
Rayouf will present her proposal in person to Emojicon and the Unicode Technical Committee in November.

And chances are great that an emoji of a hijabi will on phones by next year.

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