How Much Does It Cost to Win An Oscar


Every award has a price. Especially for the Oscar. Citizen has been talking about the Oscar since the worst mistake has Oscar made yesterday. I guarantee people are curious how much money does the winner spent to wins an Oscar.
For the statue, it costs around $400. George Lucas, a film maker in Hollywood said that it took political campaign, had nothing to do with perfomance. It means to wins the Oscar, you have to sell your movie. Make sure you see the film.

Most of the movie business are not clear what they have spent. At that campaign. In 2014, Sony Pictures Studios given an idea what the number is. Sony spent around $4,2 million just to get the film “Captain Philips” nominated. If we doubled the number for the whole process, it would spent $8,4 million with 6,000 voters Oscar voters more than $1,000 for a vote.

The campaign costs advertising, talk shows, screenings, film festivals and retrospectives to get more exposures to the voters. For Sony, this month spending $100,000 for them all, except for the advertising. Sony spends $700,000 for it. Running a campaign does not always guarantee victory. 

Hollywood spends $500 million on Oscar campaign per season. Taht would coveredthe cost making “La La Land” 16.5 times

Winning an Oscar can change the Artist life. The best actor ,Albert Finney’s salary increase $3.9 million per film. While the best actrist, Jennifer Lawrence’s salary increase $500,000 along with the photoshoot for magazine

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